
Crafting Little Minds: The Artistry of Our Creative Curriculum Preschool Program

Little Thinkers ABC: Where Every Day is an Artful Adventure

assorted paints in brown wooden trays on table

Childhood Art Program

Every day, our little ones dive into a world of colors and shapes, exploring their creativity through various art projects. From painting to clay modeling, they learn to express themselves in ways words cannot capture. Art is not just an activity; it’s a journey of imagination.

Sensory Experiences

Our program is designed to engage all the senses, not just sight. Children touch, smell, and even listen to different materials, discovering the world in a multi-sensory way. This holistic approach helps them connect more deeply with their art and the world around them.

Children’s Drawing: Free Expression or Skill to be Taught?

In our curriculum, we emphasize that drawing is a form of free expression. While we guide them on techniques, the focus remains on letting their imaginations run wild. This balance ensures that each child can develop their artistic skills at their own pace, without losing the joy of creation.

Crafting Childhood Memories through Art

happy birthday greeting card beside green pen

In our program, teachers are not just instructors; they are facilitators of creativity. They provide the tools and guidance, but it’s the children who lead the way with their imaginations. This approach helps each child in Hillsboro, Oregon, and Aloha, Oregon, to feel valued and understood.

Our curriculum is designed to offer children a range of aesthetic experiences, from painting and sculpting to music and dance. These activities are not only fun but also crucial for developmental growth. They help children express themselves and understand the world around them.

Embracing Creativity, Shaping Dreams

brown and grey trees and rock formation painting

Children are natural artists, and our program nurtures this from a very young age. We believe that every child has the potential to express themselves through art, which helps in their overall development. Art is not just about creating; it’s about expressing feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

Creative Experiences

Our curriculum includes a variety of creative activities that are both fun and educational. These activities are designed to foster creativity and encourage exploration:

  • Painting and drawing
  • Sculpting with clay
  • Collage making
  • Multicultural hands-on experiences

Art and the Developing Child

Art plays a crucial role in the development of a child. It helps in enhancing motor skills, improving problem-solving abilities, and boosting self-esteem. Our program ensures that children engage in art activities that are age-appropriate and enjoyable, making every day an opportunity for learning and growth.

By integrating art into daily learning, we provide a platform for children to explore and develop their creativity while also learning about the world around them.

Where Imagination Meets Education

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Art

In our preschool, we believe that every child is an artist waiting to express themselves. We plan art activities that are not only fun but also educational. Our teachers guide the children through each project, ensuring they understand the techniques involved while allowing room for personal expression. We evaluate each activity to make sure it meets our educational goals and brings joy to our students.

Integrating Art Across the Early Childhood Curriculum

Art isn’t just a separate class; it’s part of everything we do at our preschool. From math to science to language arts, art is integrated to help children learn in a way that’s natural and enjoyable. This approach helps children see the connections between different subjects and how creativity can be applied everywhere.

Art as a Child-Centered Pursuit

At our preschool, art is all about the kids. We provide the time, space, and materials they need to create, and then we step back. It’s their time to shine, to explore, and to make something beautiful. This child-centered approach ensures that our students are not just learning about art, they are living it.

At the intersection of creativity and learning, ‘Where Imagination Meets Education’ offers a unique educational experience for your little ones. Dive into a world where education is not just about facts, but about sparking the imagination. Visit our website to explore our programs and join us in nurturing the next generation of thinkers and innovators. Let’s make education a thrilling adventure together!


In crafting the minds of our youngest learners, the Creative Curriculum Preschool Program stands as a beacon of innovation and inspiration. By intertwining artistic expression with developmental learning, we not only foster creativity but also cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills from an early age. This program is not just about making art; it’s about making thinkers, dreamers, and innovators. As we continue to embrace and refine this curriculum, we are setting the stage for a generation that sees the world not only as it is but as it could be, filled with color, shape, and boundless possibilities. The journey of education through art is not merely a supplement to traditional learning but a necessary pillar that supports the holistic development of every child.

Open - Summer Enrollment & 2024 School Year





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